Sunday, June 04, 2006

Day 11-18 The big break

Hammond was our gateway to New Orleans and the surrounding area. After 10 days straight flying, it was time to have a little bit of a rest. We found an excellent spot to hangar MR P for the seven days we spent there. The local flight school lent us their car and we slept in the terminal building(which had TV, Wireless Internet, cooking facilities and was 24hr air-conditioned) until one of the local flyers who also happen to be a photographer let us stay at his house.

Part of the stopover was waiting for a new part from Airborne that we needed to keep the engine cool in a hotter weather. During the week we can’t vouch to doing much but we were never really bored. If we were bored at all we were fun bored as opposed to bored bored!! We did manage to get to downtown New Orleans and see what the Hurricane Katrina had done. In some of the flooded areas there was only about 5% of the population. And it was a little eerie and like nothing we had experienced before.

Some of the highlights of the trip are definitely meeting the people. Larry, aka Mr Photographer was from an aviation family and grew up with aircraft in his backyard strip. With an absolute passion for flying and all things that fly. Larry also had a passion for photography and after a late-night intoxication session at his house and home studio, he began directing his photography shoot !! And it made us laugh, chuckle and feel a little strange. Have a look at his produce.

Our initial attempt to leave town were thawed due to some serious afternoon storm activity that was right across our flight plan. The radar was showing many areas of thick buildup of clouds. The local weather where we were going, showed rain. We spent one last night in the terminal building and headed out at daybreak next morning. I'm glad we didn't try being Heroe's Pilots as it turned out it was quite a hectic storm down there.


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