Sunday, September 02, 2007

The journey as it was .

The mission was to quit work, go travelling through China and South America, learn to fly my trike over summer in Australia, then export the Australian made aircraft to the USA and plan a mission there. Certainly eventually I would have to go back to work, the plan was to look for work over in the USA as we flew. Also, it the back of my mind I knew the baby story was creeping into Anna-klara and my life, and I though it best to live this dream before we had a young one. Well it happened
  • A baby is born

  • It seem to work out, 9 months later was back at work with an amazing array of experience in the fun bag ! The flying across the USA with Anna-klara in our trike together was the bee knee's of it all. We were pinching ourselves as we flew around feeling free, with no fixed agenda, no destination and no jobs to think about. The USA is extremely well set up for flying, with many smaller airports/private airstrips with really good facilities. The flying community are so friendly and so people go out of there way to help you. WE had everything we needed along the way, the best bit was we had time to stop and here the stories and met other local pilot. Often we would have the change to go on a local tour on the ground and in the air, experience many other aircraft and forms of aviations.

    One our first landing we where met by a report who wanted to know all the details of the journey.
  • The reporter's report

  • We did not have any firm plans other than to fly down the Mississippi to New Orleans from Chicago. I did not have a job at that stage in the US and did not have a fixed base. We had our aircraft and sleeping bag, clothes, laptop and a few spares and that was us.Basically the plans were to make it up as we went along and that is what made it so relaxing and extentedour feeling of freedom.(Free in the land of the free ?) The report written outlined a trip across to the West Coast. It turned out the wind was blowing us toward the East Coast and Florida. With a strong flying community who reached out to us, we headed down Florida way and then found ourselves flying up the East Coast.

    Above is the actual flight path. It turned out to be over 3500 miles which worked out about 70 hours with our wheels off the desk in a little trike and a trusty GPS to navigate with. The whole trip got better and better as we sunk into life in and out of low traffic airports, relaxing further and further, spellbound with what we were experiencing. The rhythm of the road is as it is in the air. We soon became accustomed to flying into airports, finding the facilities we needed,( bed , shower, weather information, internet, fuel and in most cases a courtesy car to get into town for food) and setting down with a local over a beer to share stories. Sometimes these necessities would find us! The flying experience during the day put us on high that was often sustained in the evening as we were seeing life on the ground from up close too.

    This blog goes into these details. It was written to encourage everyone to take that step towards that adventure they dream of. It also was aget tool at the time to link up with local pilot as we flew. It worked and will serve as a record and a reminder to us of what we were :-) !!!!!

    The whole experience strengthened Anna Klara and my relationship. We lived this adventure out together, work as a team in the air and on the ground to pull off the business end of the trip like finding best next landing spot given the weather and refuelling requirements. The most amazing experience and bonding experiences were on the occasions we got ourselves into serious danger in the air and needed to worked together to come through unscathed. Things do get kaotic when the weather turns or the expected becomes the unexpected. WE worked together to over come these and lived to tell the tale.

    It would not be the trip it was without these"specially bonding" moments of danger yet for the most part the time together in the cockpit was spent chatting or just gazing at the amazing US countryside passing underneath us. We would chat about the people we meet at the last landing spot , with the conversation getting more intense the further South we fly !!! (dame crazy Southerners make interesting conversation). A lot of the time was also spent silent in the air as we took in the landscape. It was not hard to be simply awestruck but what we were seeing and having the absolutely privilege to experience. As we flew in and out of places, we made sure we did the right things by the locals, this form of adventure across a country in a ultra light aircraft seemed a hidden secret that knowbody else had discovered.It is a little secret and I feel privileged that you can share this little dream of ours and able to see and feel what we did. Never doubt your imagination!

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